Historical Bridge of Agh Ghala

Of the historical remains in Agh Ghala that can be mentioned is Safavid Dynasty Bridge. This bridge was built in 9 HAis located 18 km far north of Gorgan just outside of the old context of the Agh Ghalacrossed Gorganrud. This bridge connects northsouth side of the Agh Ghala. Construction date of this bridge goes back to Safavid Dynastysome people based on its brick decoration similarity believe its pillar were made in Seljuq Dynastythe arcsthe body of the structure were made in Safavid Dynasty. In the down part of the bridge bricks from Gorgan wall had been used which this evidence was the reason that some people assumed the bridge has some roots to Sasanian Empire. In the past there was a building in the south side of the bridge that were used as an official tariff affairs which today there is no evidence of it.